18 Mar 2015
The Doc is in
8.1.1. Exercise - Practice Good Code Commenting
I think comments should be fairly minimal, it can actually take away from comprehension and flow of code if every other line is a paragraph explaining the purpose of said code. Meaningful method and variable names can contribute a lot more towards understanding than a bunch of explanations. That being said, for more complicated methods I think a brief declaration of purpose is helpful.
def _get_library(args, config):
A function to get the local library from config, check if it exists
and set it to the used library.
libraries = dict((l.name, l) for l in args.registry['local:library'])
library_name = config['local']['library']
if library_name not in libraries:
logger.warning('Local library %s not found', library_name)
return 1
logger.debug('Using %s as the local library', library_name)
return libraries[library_name](config)
class LocalCommand(commands.Command):
Initializing local commands.
def __init__(self):
super(LocalCommand, self).__init__()
self.add_child('scan', ScanCommand())
self.add_child('clear', ClearCommand())
class ClearCommand(commands.Command):
Contains one function that will clear the local
media files from the local library.
help = 'Clear local media files from the local library.'
def run(self, args, config):
library = _get_library(args, config)
prompt = '\nAre you sure you want to clear the library? [y/N] '
if compat.input(prompt).lower() != 'y':
print('Clearing library aborted.')
return 0
if library.clear():
print('Library successfully cleared.')
return 0
print('Unable to clear library.')
return 1
class ScanCommand(commands.Command):
Will scan local media files and use them to populate
the local library.
def __init__(self):
Defines two optional arguments
--limit will define the maximum number of
tracks to scan
--force will allow rescaning of all local
media files regardless if they've been edited
super(ScanCommand, self).__init__()
type=int, dest='limit', default=None,
help='Maximum number of tracks to scan')
dest='force', default=False,
help='Force rescan of all media files')
def run(self, args, config):
Will iterate through local media files, check their URIs, detect
missing files, remove missing tracks and flag tracks for update
media_dir = config['local']['media_dir']
scan_timeout = config['local']['scan_timeout']
flush_threshold = config['local']['scan_flush_threshold']
excluded_file_extensions = config['local']
excluded_file_extensions = tuple(
bytes(file_ext.lower()) for file_ext in excluded_file_extensions)
library = _get_library(args, config)
file_mtimes, file_errors = path.find_mtimes(
media_dir, follow=config['local']['scan_follow_symlinks'])
logger.info('Found %d files in media_dir.', len(file_mtimes))
if file_errors:
logger.warning('Encountered %d errors while scanning media_dir.',
for name in file_errors:
logger.debug('Scan error %r for %r', file_errors[name], name)
num_tracks = library.load()
logger.info('Checking %d tracks from library.', num_tracks)
uris_to_update = set()
uris_to_remove = set()
uris_in_library = set()
for track in library.begin():
abspath = translator.local_track_uri_to_path(track.uri, media_dir)
mtime = file_mtimes.get(abspath)
if mtime is None:
logger.debug('Missing file %s', track.uri)
elif mtime > track.last_modified or args.force:
logger.info('Removing %d missing tracks.', len(uris_to_remove))
for uri in uris_to_remove:
for abspath in file_mtimes:
relpath = os.path.relpath(abspath, media_dir)
uri = translator.path_to_local_track_uri(relpath)
if b'/.' in relpath:
logger.debug('Skipped %s: Hidden directory/file.', uri)
elif relpath.lower().endswith(excluded_file_extensions):
logger.debug('Skipped %s: File extension excluded.', uri)
elif uri not in uris_in_library:
'Found %d tracks which need to be updated.', len(uris_to_update))
uris_to_update = sorted(uris_to_update, key=lambda v: v.lower())
uris_to_update = uris_to_update[:args.limit]
scanner = scan.Scanner(scan_timeout)
progress = _Progress(flush_threshold, len(uris_to_update))
for uri in uris_to_update:
relpath = translator.local_track_uri_to_path(uri, media_dir)
file_uri = path.path_to_uri(os.path.join(media_dir, relpath))
result = scanner.scan(file_uri)
tags, duration = result.tags, result.duration
if duration < MIN_DURATION_MS:
logger.warning('Failed %s: Track shorter than %dms',
mtime = file_mtimes.get(os.path.join(media_dir, relpath))
track = utils.convert_tags_to_track(tags).copy(
uri=uri, length=duration, last_modified=mtime)
if library.add_supports_tags_and_duration:
library.add(track, tags=tags, duration=duration)
logger.debug('Added %s', track.uri)
except exceptions.ScannerError as error:
logger.warning('Failed %s: %s', uri, error)
if progress.increment():
if library.flush():
logger.debug('Progress flushed.')
logger.info('Done scanning.')
return 0
class _Progress(object):
Contains an incrementer for tracking progress and a log that
prints relevant information to the console.
def __init__(self, batch_size, total):
self.count = 0
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.total = total
self.start = time.time()
def increment(self):
self.count += 1
return self.batch_size and self.count % self.batch_size == 0
def log(self):
duration = time.time() - self.start
if self.count >= self.total or not self.count:
logger.info('Scanned %d of %d files in %ds.',
self.count, self.total, duration)
remainder = duration / self.count * (self.total - self.count)
logger.info('Scanned %d of %d files in %ds, ~%ds left.',
self.count, self.total, duration, remainder)
8.4. Exercise - Plan Your Technical Document
I went through this process initially with Mopidy’s documentation (or lack thereof) on contributing/installing from source. Pull request here.
Recently in the project the developer also released a revamped section on development with detailed instructions on setting up a development environment tailored to work well with Mopidy. I like to think that by speaking up from a contributer’s point of view we helped motivate the decision to update this.
Laura Barber at 12:38PM